Education Policy Center
Co-Center Director: Jorge Hernandez-Perez (jfh2157@columbia.edu)
Co-Center Director: Beatrice Moyers (bam2246@columbia.edu)
Through two initiatives, the Education Center will focus on increasing the agency of local families and educators over the decisions made in their schools. In December, the Center will host a town hall with members of the District 5 Community Education Council (CEC)—elected parents who provide leadership for the district’s schools. The Center hopes to bolster parent turnout in CEC elections and in public meetings. The Center will also publish a report on the rights of educators and the classroom discussions permissible under state-specific “Don’t Say Gay” and anti-CRT laws. At the end of the academic year, the report will be distributed to teachers in states with such legislation, so they feel empowered to discuss race, gender, and sexuality in their classes without fear of retaliation.
Previous Publications
Recess: More Then Just Fun by Emma Cloyd
Federally Funded, Locally Distributed Fully Universal Pre-K by Carolyn Kelly
Providing Better Support for Columbia College & Engineering Students: Guaranteed Housing and Taking a Leave of Absence by Shirley Tan
Funding Women's Education: A Step Towards Peace & Security by Lindsay Meyerson
Responding to Distant Disaster: Funding the Education of Child Refugees in Cash-Strapped Connecticut School Districts by Maeve Flaherty
Leveling the Playing Field: How Columbia Can Stop Hurting Its Low-Income Students by Troy Brown
Requiring Civics Education in New York City Public Schools by Rosie Moss
Health for All: Instituting Mandatory Health Education at Columbia University by Carolyn Kelly
Implementing Individualized Professional Development for Teachers to Improve Student Outcomes in New York City by Nicole Felmus
"Where do Tomatoes Come From?" The Need for Agricultural Education in New York City Public Schools by Lexie Lehmann